In Mantra We Trust!

108Records is a creative association of talented artists and a creative team of professionals

Studio 108Records is located in Moscow, 5 minutes away. from the Savelovskaya metro station. There are 2 spaces in the studio: - for working with arrangements, as well as for more detailed sound production, including mixing and mastering. The studio's equipment allows you to work with different genres of music. Vintage synths, acoustic percussion, guitars and a diverse set of microphones - all this gives musicians variability in the approach of writing and recording musical ideas.


Artists who create music in the genre of mantra music will be able to work with like-minded people, which is very important for this style. Mantra music can be subsequently released using the potential and audience of the first mantra label in Russia.

Sound design

The 108Records team has extensive experience in creating arrangements for different styles, as well as creating an atmosphere for exhibitions, including sound design


Record a track

Creating a full-fledged track arrangement based on your idea, wishes or references, as well as recording all the necessary instruments and vocal parts. The work is being carried out together with our team, which will be able to produce the track, sound and bring it to the final release on all music venues (mixing + mastering).

50 000 RUB

Record an acoustic track

Creating an acoustic arrangement that consists of guitar, bass and cajon. The final result includes mixing and mastering, i.e. preparation for release on all music venues

30 000 RUB

Record a meditation

It includes recording your voice, creating a musical background, as well as sound design. The final meditation track will be ready for release on all music platforms.

10 000 руб.

Sound recording

Professional recording of vocals or musical instruments together with a sound engineer

2 000 руб.

Mixing the track

Working with track balance, editing parts and adding effects. (up to 30 tracks)

20 000 руб.

Movie Mixing

Every minute

1 000 руб.

Sound design

"Sound design" is the creation of sound effects for your brand, application, exhibition, space, yoga center, movie, show. Sound enhances the transmission of mood, your content becomes voluminous and immerses in the atmosphere

цена по запросу

Vocal editing

Includes vocal editing in Melodyne and Autotune + noise cleaning. (for 1 audio track).

2 000 руб.

Music Release

Release of music content (track, album) on all music platforms. Creating a cover and promotional materials. Check the conditions with our manager at the telegram link below.

от 2 000 руб.